Neville's Cross Primary School & Nursery

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Welcome to our Nursery

Welcome to our wonderful nursery!  We provide high quality education and care for children aged 3-4 years, through a range of fun and exciting activities which follow the interests and development stages of individual children.

Our vision is to create a happy and friendly environment where all children feel safe, secure and valued.  Alongside our experienced and caring team of staff, children are encouraged to follow their own interests, developing their skills, thinking and independence in an environment which supports creativity, curiosity and imagination.

Take a look at some of the playful learning we've been enjoying so far this year

Scroll right down to find three slide shows of our busy fun.  

Key Information

Nursery Staff

Our children in nursery are usually taught by Miss Suggate, a highly experienced nursery teacher with assistance from Mrs Wilson, Ms Wall  and Miss Reed.  Miss Hillery, our EYFS Lead also teaches in nursery and Miss Bell leads Forest School activities for our nursery children across the year.  We hope this helps our children to form positive relationships with all of our EYFS staff and, for those children who will join our Reception Classes, it helps to create a smooth transition.

Meet the Teacher Information

 Meet the Teacher Nursery Information Meeting


Nursery Newsletters

Nursery Newsletter Spring 1 2025


Nursery Admissions

If you are considering a place in our Nursery for your child, all information regarding how to apply can be found on our admissions page.  We look forward to meeting you and would encourage you to come along and visit us!


Wraparound Care

We can provide wraparound care for children in our nursery.  More information regarding our wraparound provision can be found here.

Come in, explore and play! 

At Nursery, we believe a nurturing, calm, fun, interactive, interesting environment is a healthy place to learn, grow and blossom.  We are all about PLAY! Child-led, play-based exploring, talking, imagining and learning! The adults main role is to join play and encourage, model, guidehelp and facilitate learning. In addition, we have short playful activities where we focus on specific, planned areas of learning.

There are many core resources that are available all year. Other resources are changed, sometimes following the play interests of a group of children, sometimes to encourage specific skills to develop. 

We are active every day in Nursery! PD is a core curriculum area. Small children need to move, partly because it is a crucial way of interacting with the world and partly because they have constantly growing bodies to adapt to and they are instinctively practising many new skills. We have free access indoors and outdoors for most each day.  

  • Please ensure that your child always wears footwear that they can safely run, walk, clamber, crawl, climb and play in. Please also always send your child with a coat suitable for the weather. We have some waterproof trousers, wellies and sun hats that your child can borrow and many children prefer to bring their own. (Please remember to name them! Thanks!) 
  • Please send a named water bottle each day, clean and filled with water. 
  • Please, please name all of your child’s clothes, especially their jumpers and shoes! 
  • As the year progresses, Nursery visit our woodland area for mini forest school sessions. We’ll let you know when!  

Our Learning in Nursery

This document outlines the topics we cover across the year in Nursery. Further details about the nursery curriculum and the content taught can be found in the Curriculum pages of our website.

EYFS Long Term Plan

Supporting your child’s learning at home

Tapestry is a two-way communication tool between home and school. Via Tapestry, Nursery send photos and narrative ‘observations’ of your child playing and learning in Nursery. You can send photos and captions about family events that are important to your child and tell us about things your child is enjoying at home. We’d love to share these at Nursery! 

Walso send requests for photos or information about your child’s home interests and learning. Soon we’ll give suggestions of things it might be fun and helpful to do with your child at home. 

Tapestry is a good way for you to ask us questionsOf course, you can ask us in person or email Nursery or the office too. 

2024-2025 Our year so far…

Watch this space to see what we get up to in Nursery this year!

Looking back on 2023-2024...memories to cherish... 

Have a look at what we have been up to in nursery!

We hope you enjoy these three slide shows and get a feel for the wealth of busy playful learning at our nurturing nursery.